1869: Hungarian author and political liberal Karl-Maria Kertbeny coin the term homosexual. The aim was to produce a more neutral word or expression without the negative associations with the words of the time - for example "sodomite" - loaded with. Homosexuality was then still banned in most countries.

1924: The Society for Human Rights is founded in the United States as the country's first gay organization. However, it was short-lived and dissolved just a few months later, but it is still considered a precursor to the international gay movement.

1944: Homosexuality between adults is decriminalized, and until then had been a crime in Sweden. But that does not mean that homosexuality is accepted for that matter, but instead it is classified as a disease.

1950: RFSL (National Association for Sexual Equality) is formed as a Swedish branch to the Danish Association of 1948, which was formed two years earlier. Allan Hellman, who in 1951 became the first to speak openly in Swedish media about his homosexuality, took the initiative to founding. In 1952 the group changed its name to RFSL and became its own organization.

1969: New York gay bar Stonewall is stormed by police on June 28, but guests and owners strike back. The subsequent uprising, which has come in cold just the "Stonewall uprising" lasts for three days and becomes crucial for much of today's LGBT movement in the US and Europe.

1970: The world's first Pride demonstration is held in New York as a memorial march over the Stonewall uprising a year earlier. Nearly 5,000 people (the figure varies depending on the source) participated in the march, according to The New York Times some reported on the march on its front page.

1979: The Swedish National Board of Health removes homosexuality from the list of diseases after demonstrations and the occupation of the Social Board's stairs that year. Director-General Barbro Westerholm is the person who makes and writes on the decision.

1987: Homosexual orientation (later changed to sexual orientation) is added to the list of prohibited discrimination.

1995: The Registered Partnership Act comes into force. It will then come seven years after the law on gay partners came into force.

1998: Stockholm Pride is arranged for the first time.

1999: The Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination in Work Life Due to Sexual Orientation comes into force. In the same year, the Ombudsman is also set up against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, HomO.

2003: Hate against people group expanded to include anger with hint at sexual orientation. In the same year, same-sex registered registered partners also have the opportunity to be tested as adoptive parents. The new anti-discrimination law also comes into force in a number of different areas.

2005: Lesbian couples get the right to assist conception, and the law on the prohibition of discrimination is extended to the social area.

2009: Same-sex marriage becomes legal on May 1, and on October 22 of the same year, the Swedish Church votes to bless gay couples. The Church's decision also includes the use of the word marriage.

2011: An expanded constitutional protection against discrimination linked to sexual orientation is introduced.

Sources: RFSL, Regerings.se, Forum for Living History, Svenska Dagbladet, The New Yorker, The New York Times.