An early announcement by Marine Le Pen, head of the far-right "National Rally" in France - to run for the presidential elections in 2022 - raised several questions about the timing and purpose of this announcement.

Le Pen announced on Thursday - at a press conference at her party headquarters in the Parisian district of Nanterre - her candidacy for the presidencies two years before the deadline, and said, "I have thought about this decision (run), but I would like to say that it was taken."

"Le Pen" magazine stated in a report that Le Pen seeks through this announcement - which coincides with the nearness of the French taking part in the municipal elections in the middle of next March - to achieve a number of goals.

Early pressure
The magazine believes that this announcement will put additional pressure on President Emmanuel Macron, who for months has been facing one of the biggest social crises during his tenure, represented by the movement of "yellow jackets" and protests against the reform of the pension system.

"Lubuan" believes that declaring the far-right candidate a clear message to the protesters against reforming the pension system that it is the most capable of carrying their concerns and responding to their aspirations, and "populists" as the best candidate to confront the aspirations of the open-minded and globalized, like Macron.

Despite this, Le Pen knows very well that her popularity is still fragile after her catastrophic failure to debate against Macron in the second round of the presidency of 2017, and it became clear only weeks ago when she hinted at the possibility of returning the Italian scenario that elevated the right-wing "Northern League" party leader Matteo Salvini to a circle The ruling thanks to his alliance with the "Furtza Italia" party and other small extremist parties, which means that it is ready to support any candidate whose chances are greater in defeating Macron.

She has also repeatedly stated to the media that she will not run in the event that there is a competitor who is better positioned and more fortunate than her, which the magazine sees as an attempt by Le Pen to show her "asceticism" in power and that what governs its decisions in this framework is "sacrifice" in order to achieve the hopes and aspirations of Gaza Wide French.

The role of the scarecrow
The magazine sees that Le Pen is also seeking through the announcement to show itself as a serious presidential contender and eager to prepare his campaign early, meaning that she is campaigning to restore credibility to her image and remove the scarecrow that has been haunting her for a long time.

During her last press conference, when a journalist asked her if this candidacy would constitute the last presidential election campaign, she answered, "If I elect a president in 2022, it is imperative that I will reapply to defend my position ...".

This response confirms that Le Pen is eager to give the impression that she is able to reach the presidential seat, and therefore is a credible and credible candidate.

The magazine believes that Le Pen - and after she was able to become the undisputed leader of the first party, thanks to the European elections in May, and at the same time succeeded in distancing himself from internal social protests - demonstrated by his recent decision about tactical "ingenuity", although she did not get rid After the tails of the resounding defeat of the 2017 presidency.