Benefits “Don't Exclude” Request to Host Club Managers LDP April 9 16:41

In response to the "Emergency Declaration", host clubs and other managers have requested the LDP not to exclude the food and beverage business with entertainment from being eligible for benefits for SMEs.

Five managers of clubs hosting and hostesses have visited the LDP headquarters on March 9 and requested the chairman of the Kishigaku politician's office, whose sales are decreasing due to the spread of the new coronavirus, such as closing down stores. I handed the book.

The request form requires that the food and beverage business with entertainment should not be excluded from the benefits of SMEs included in the government's emergency economic measures.

Mr. Kishida, on the other hand, said he had urged the government to ensure that the food and beverage business with entertainment was not unduly discriminated against.

One of the managers told reporters, "While being asked to refrain from going out, all stores are struggling to manage. They want to cooperate in preventing the spread of infection, and like other SMEs. We look forward to your support. "