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The PP has remodeled its internal regulations to align them with its statutes and dissuade the harshest criticisms of the national leadership from the parliamentary groups.

For this reason, the planned sanctions have been unified, although they will not be aggravated in any case, as confirmed by sources from

the Popular Parliamentary Group

to this newspaper



El Confidencial

advanced the news.

"The parliamentary groups of the Congress and the Senate proceeded to the homologation of the internal regulations with the Statutes of the Party" on Monday of last week, "ordering the content of the same", they point out in the PP.

"This process has included the systematization of infractions, following the structure of the party's Statutes, which distinguishes between minor, serious and very serious," clarify sources from the parliamentary group.

So what this movement seeks is to dissuade "out of tune", as some leaders considered the interview of Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo to


on February 16, at point-blank from the electoral bump of the PP in the Catalan elections of 14-F .

In that interview, the former spokesperson assured that "Pablo Casado has disappointed the hopes placed on him."

"The inability of Pablo Casado to rebuild constitutionalism, which is the main Spanish challenge, has been proven. Casado has left shreds of credibility here as the leader of constitutionalism," emphasized the deputy for Barcelona.

In Genoa it was seen as an attack on the leadership of the party president.

So statements like these could now be even more in the party's crosshairs, since in the PP they consider a "serious" offense to make "any oral or written public manifestation in the media that involves discredit, disparagement or disqualification of any member of the party ".

This could be "mild" depending on the literalness of what was said.

It is also "serious" to make "statements and public demonstrations on behalf of the party that politically compromise it without the express authorization of the President of the Executive Committee that corresponds in its different areas."

"Very serious" offenses

Of the "very serious" infractions stands out "any manifestation or declaration made with publicity, that incites to the breach or disqualification of the valid and democratically adopted decisions by the governing bodies and representation of the party, or of the institutional groups of the same".

That yes, in the PP they assure that the sanctions will continue being the same and "what has been done is to classify the infractions in the three levels: slight, serious or very serious".

"The disciplinary regime is not aggravated, since the maximum sanction, for example for indiscipline voting, remains the same, between 500 and 700 euros," they add in the PP.

The consulted deputies coincide in assuring that they were given "a generic indication to review the disciplinary regime," but they do not have the text in their possession.

In the leadership of the Popular Parliamentary Group they recall that they did teach the changes "and made themselves available" to the parliamentarians.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • PP

  • Pablo Casado

  • Barcelona

  • Catalonia


  • Cayetana Alvarez de Toledo

  • Senate

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