
Potsdam / Berlin (dpa / bb) - Even before the tightened mask requirement, many Berliners and Brandenburgers replaced their everyday masks with better protective masks when traveling by bus and train.

"60 to 80 percent of the passengers had already used FFP2 masks when the obligation was still under discussion and not yet applied," said Joachim Radünz, press spokesman for the Berlin-Brandenburg transport association (VBB) on Saturday.

Since Saturday, everyday masks made of fabric are no longer sufficient everywhere in Brandenburg.

In local public transport, in shops and offices, it is mandatory to wear surgical masks, FFP2 masks and those with the designation N95, P2, DS2 or KN95 - but without an exhalation valve.

In Berlin, the obligation for surgical, FFP2 or KN95 masks applies from Sunday.

According to VBB, violations are only rare.

«The control system has proven itself.

We only have very few outliers, ”says Radünz.

However, some forget that the mask requirement also applies at train stations and platforms.


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