
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - The Olympic application of the Rhine-Ruhr region for the games in 2032 is on Wednesday (10 a.m.) topic in a current hour of the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament.

Efforts to bring the Games to North Rhine-Westphalia suffered a decisive setback last week when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) declared Brisbane, Australia, to be the preferred candidate.

Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) had sharply criticized the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB).

The head association of German sports had no sense of “what is going on in the IOC”, Laschet had said.

The head of government had wondered about the preliminary decision for Canberra.

"We would have delivered everything that was needed if we had known that decisions would be made at such short notice."

In its application for the current hour, the SPD asked Laschet to make the application a top priority.

The application process has not yet been accompanied with the necessary will on the part of the state government, criticize the Social Democrats.

In its application for the current hour, the AfD asks whether an application via the private initiative of the sports event marketer Michael Mronz was productive.


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Application SPD

Application AfD