Chinanews, March 19, according to Russian satellite network, the US's large-scale surveillance plan revealer Edward Snowden's lawyer Kucherena said that Snowden plans to submit documents to the competent authorities in the near future to apply for Russian citizenship. .

Data Map: Snowden, the demystifier of the US large-scale surveillance plan.

  In answering whether Snowden’s application for Russian citizenship is ready, Kucherena said: “The documents are ready.”

  According to Kucherena, these documents will be submitted for consideration in the near future.

  In June 2013, Snowden exposed two major secret intelligence surveillance projects of the US National Security Agency through the media, including a network surveillance project code-named "Prism", which was mainly aimed at overseas targets, which caused an uproar in the international community.

On June 23, Snowden went to Russia and lived in the transit area of ​​Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport for more than a month.

  After that, Snowden obtained an asylum permit in Russia and lived in Russia for many years.

In October 2020, Snowden was granted permanent residency in Russia.

On November 2 of that year, Snowden said through social media that he was ready to apply for Russian citizenship.

Experts say that Snowden's acquisition of Russian citizenship will prevent him from being transferred to the United States.