
Munich (dpa / lby) - Today, Monday, the goodwill week for the FFP2 mask requirement is over.

From now on, there is a risk of a fine of 250 euros in local public transport and shops in Bavaria if passengers or customers do not wear such a mask or at least an equivalent mask.

In the first week of the mask requirement, the new regulation was already followed by the vast majority of customers and passengers, as operators and associations assured.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, the Bavarian police will "intensify control" of compliance with the mask requirement in local transport - there will also be controls by the operators.

However, the fines may only be imposed by the police or security services.

In the retail sector, the Ministry of the Interior sees the monitoring of mask requirements as the operator's responsibility.

In individual cases, the police will "of course help with enforcing the tightened mask requirement".

According to the Bavarian Trade Association, no special security measures are planned.

There were no major problems during the grace week and almost all of the customers came with the required masks.


Since last Monday, it has been mandatory to wear FFP2 masks to protect against the corona virus in all shops and local public transport in Bavaria.

Comparable or higher standards are also allowed.

The Ministry of the Interior specifically names: FFP3, N95, P2, KF94, DS and KN95.

Masks in these categories - if worn correctly - protect better against the coronavirus than cloth masks, especially the wearer himself.

The new regulation has partially led to increased prices for FFP2 masks and bottlenecks in individual shops.

The supply is assured, however, assured the Ministry of the Interior, trade association and pharmacist association.

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