
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - According to Barmer, geriatric care workers are on sick leave more often and longer in Saxony-Anhalt than those in other professions.

The nurses were missing an average of around 30 working days per calendar year, as the health insurance company announced on Thursday in Magdeburg.

The national average, however, is 22.1 days.

There were also differences in terms of sick leave.

Accordingly, from 2016 to 2018 around 9.1 percent of all auxiliary workers and 7.4 percent of skilled workers in geriatric care were on sick leave.

For comparison: In other professions, the sickness rate in Saxony-Anhalt was 6.2 percent on average.

In addition, according to Barmer data, elderly care workers have to be treated in hospital more frequently and for longer than other workers, particularly often because of mental and musculoskeletal disorders.

The work situation in nursing has a massive impact on the health of employees, explained Axel Wiedemann, state manager of Barmer.

Employers are required to improve working conditions.

This included adequate remuneration, sufficient staff and, as far as possible, predictable and family-friendly working hours.

The nursing profession is so exhausting that a disproportionately large number of employees cannot hold out until they retire, explained Wiedemann.


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Press release Barmer