Teller Report

Trump summoned to investigate Capitol attack

10/22/2022, 6:47:46 PM

In a "historic" measure, the House Committee of Inquiry into the Capitol attack Friday asked former Republican President Donald Trump to appear "on or around November 14" on that date. From

Trump summoned to investigate Capitol attack

In a "historic" measure, the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the Capitol attack Friday asked former Republican President Donald Trump to appear before it "on or around November 14th."

In a published mail, the committee also ordered Trump to produce a series of documents before November 4, including a report on all communications he made on January 6, 2021.

After a televised hearing, the committee responsible for determining Trump's role in the January 6, 2021 attack raised Surprise by unanimous vote to summon the former president.

And Trump, who is openly talking about the idea of ​​re-running for the presidency in 2024, immediately renewed his attack on the investigation, considering it a "utter failure", without revealing how he would respond.

And on Friday evening, David Worrington, one of Trump's lawyers in this case, said that "as well as any request of this nature, we will review and evaluate it, and we will respond in an appropriate form to this unprecedented measure," without confirming whether the Trump team had received summon command.

Democratic President Joe Biden said on MSNBC that it would "make sense" for Trump to comply with the subpoena.

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