Teller Report

The State Administration for Market Regulation intends to stipulate that blind box operators shall not drive up the price of blind boxes

8/16/2022, 10:46:17 AM

China News Service, August 16. On the 16th, the State Administration for Market Regulation publicly solicited opinions on the "Guidelines for the Standardization of Blind Box Business Activities (Trial) (Draft for Comment)". The draft proposes to stipulate that blind box operators shall clearly mark the price of goods or services provided, and shall not sell goods at a price in addition to the m

  China News Service, August 16. On the 16th, the State Administration for Market Regulation publicly solicited opinions on the "Guidelines for the Standardization of Blind Box Business Activities (Trial) (Draft for Comment)".

The draft proposes to stipulate that blind box operators shall clearly mark the price of goods or services provided, and shall not sell goods at a price in addition to the marked price, and shall not carry out illegal acts such as not clearly marking the price in accordance with the regulations, price gouging, and price fraud.

Blind box operators are encouraged to establish a bottom guarantee mechanism, and guide rational consumption by setting the upper limit of the amount and the number of times to be drawn.

Blind box operators are encouraged to consciously promise not to stock up, not to hype, not to directly enter the secondary market, and to accept social supervision.

(Zhongxin Finance)

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