Teller Report

RT DE executive commented on the blocking of RT's new YouTube channel

12/16/2021, 7:34:56 PM

The head of RT DE and Ruptly Dinara Toktosunova in the stream "Beautiful Russia boo-boo-boo" commented on the blocking of the new RT channel in German on YouTube.

She noted that the launch of the round-the-clock broadcasting of the RT DE channel in the German community was already called "a political earthquake on the TV market."

“We warned that we would go on air on December 16, but they didn’t believe us.

As far as I understand, they had such an understanding that we would not be on the air, and they did not listen to us.

Today they slept through everything and when they woke up, around noon, this mass hysteria began.

In fact, we broadcast about five hours of news on YouTube, ”she said.

According to her, the RT DE channel blocked on YouTube had nothing to do with those accounts that were previously blocked.

This channel was intended for constant broadcasting of the air.

“It was funny to see how they react, I wanted to believe in the best.

And I think: well, no, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with those channels, they are linked to other people, there is a different product here and it is objectively made by another physically different editorial staff ... Nevertheless, at one moment - a warning and the channel was deleted ", - she said.

Toktosunova said that until today she believed that Google themselves made decisions about blocking RT YouTube channels.

“Today it seemed to me that for the second time it was synchronized with some kind of mass hysteria against us ... Synchronized with some official reaction of Germany, I would say so,” she said.

On December 16, RT launched a new 24-hour German-language news channel, RT DE, which will broadcast live news, talk shows and documentaries.

Shortly after the launch, YouTube deleted the account of the new channel RT DE auf Sendung. 

RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan, after the removal of the YouTube channel RT auf Sendung, said that the channel had never faced such restrictions and attempts to prevent it from going on air as in Germany.

On September 28, YouTube deleted without the right to restore two German RT channels - RT DE and Der Fehlende Part.

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