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French press review - In the spotlight: the vaccine against the Covid, hope and caution

11/10/2020, 7:27:31 AM

In the spotlight: the Covid vaccine, hope and caution Audio 04:18 A scientist working on the coronavirus in a Pfizer laboratory (Illustration). REUTERS By: Frédéric Couteau Follow 9 min Publicity After the announcement yesterday of a vaccine against the Covid, the newspapers are divided this morning between jubilation and restraint ... "  The vaccine that changes everything,  " exclaims Le

In the spotlight: the Covid vaccine, hope and caution

Audio 04:18

A scientist working on the coronavirus in a Pfizer laboratory (Illustration).


By: Frédéric Couteau Follow

9 min


After the announcement yesterday of a vaccine against the Covid, the newspapers are divided this morning between jubilation and restraint ...

The vaccine that changes everything,

 " exclaims

Le Parisien



Hope at last,

 ” says


The hope of a vaccine is taking shape

 ", tempers

Les Latest Nouvelles d'Alsace


The promise of a vaccine is becoming clearer

 ", advance

Le Figaro

Fear and hope

 ", summarizes

La Provence.

Indeed, fear, because the epidemic is far from over and its peak should be reached at the end of November, and hope, therefore, with this vaccine which would be able to protect 9 out of 10 people from the virus.

Results awaiting consolidation

So, com 'plan from the American laboratory Pfizer or real hope?

 For the moment,


Liberation, Pfizer has only published a press release on the first results of the effectiveness of its vaccine developed with the German BioNTech.

It therefore advances an efficiency of 90%.

We must understand where this figure comes from,

points out the newspaper.

The 43,000 volunteers in the clinical trial were separated into two groups: half received the vaccine, the other half a placebo.

To date, 94 people have declared Covid-19 at least a week after receiving the second injection.

And 90% of those 94 people received the placebo and not the vaccine



So, continues


, this “ 

result, even if it is preliminary, arouses measured hope within the scientific community.

'This is good news, but we have to wait for more data,' reacts virologist Marie-Paule Kieny.


Indeed, notes


, “ 

we must consolidate the results.

The next progress report will be made when a total of 164 people have contracted Covid-19 out of the 43,000 volunteers participating in the trial.

The more data arrives, the more we will know (…).

 "With perhaps answers to the following questions, points out the newspaper.


Are the elderly as well protected as others?

Does the vaccine limit severe forms?

Does it reduce transmission?

How secure is it in the long term?

How long does the protection last?

Many questions remain unanswered at this point



Science, an effective weapon ...

Admittedly, commented

Les Echos

, “ 

it is too early to claim victory.

Not too late to rekindle hope.

In a world of pessimism and skepticism, which often pays far too much attention to conspirators of all kinds who doubt science and who believe that the worst-case scenario is our only common horizon, Pfizer's announcements of its vaccine must do more than just boost the morale of the world's stock markets.

The encouraging results of this anti-Covid drug are also an opportunity to remind us how much science is an effective weapon in the service of humanity. 


What is more, notes



the announcement of the development of this vaccine comes the day the new tenant of the White House drafts its anti-pandemic plan.

(…) Joe Biden has made the health fight his priority, in opposition to Donald Trump's 'covido-skepticism'.

And its reaction to the future vaccine contrasts with the fictitious triumphalism of its predecessor,


Sud-Ouest: yes, hope is there, but while waiting for it to materialize, the best weapon in the coming months remains the mask and the barrier gestures.

It should be remembered and Biden president does not deny the masked candidate he embodied during the campaign. 


The risk of one or more mutations

However, a big shadow on the board: we are not immune to a mutation of the virus through animals, as we recently observed in Denmark ...

In Denmark, the coronavirus took the skin of the mink,


Les Latest Nouvelles d'Alsace.

It is a carnage which is imposed on the farms.

Not just because these furry animals have the misfortune of harboring passing coronaviruses.

The Covid-19 germ has transformed in the body of the mink before returning to humans.

It is the scenario of the mutated virus which points, sighs the Alsatian daily newspaper.

As the planet waits for a vaccine and Pfizer claims a 90% effective solution, the risk becomes clear that the coronavirus may acquire increased resistance by transiting from one species to another.


In short, conclude

Les Latest Nouvelles d'Alsace

, “ 

the covid mink is capable, in turn, of having the skin of vaccines not even finalized against the current coronavirus.



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