Teller Report

Coronavirus: 30,686 dead in France, more than 7,000 new cases in 24 hours

9/2/2020, 5:35:35 PM

Nearly 7,000 new cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded in the past 24 hours, according to figures released Wednesday evening by Public Health France. The test positivity rate remains stable. In total, 30,686 people have died from the coronavirus in France since the start of the epidemic.

Nearly 7,000 new cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded in the past 24 hours, according to figures released Wednesday evening by Public Health France.

The test positivity rate remains stable.

In total, 30,686 people have died from the coronavirus in France since the start of the epidemic.

The number of people testing positive for the coronavirus continues to increase.

In the past 24 hours, 7,000 new cases have been detected.

However, the test positivity rate remains stable.

In total, 30,686 people have died from the coronavirus in France since the start of the epidemic.

The virus continues to progress

There are currently 4,632 people hospitalized with COVID-19 infection, 317 more than 24 hours ago.

446 are hospitalized in intensive care, including 57 since the last assessment.

"The progression of the virus continues throughout the territory. 19 metropolitan departments and 2 overseas are affected by active circulation of the virus, in addition to Guyana and Martinique, still in a state of health emergency. The classification as an 'active circulation zone' of the virus takes into account the incidence rate but also other indicators such as the number of tests carried out and their positivity rate ", specifies the general directorate of health.

 >> more info to follow.

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