Teller Report

Water level in Nanjing section of Yangtze River continues to rise

7/10/2020, 2:30:05 PM

  On the afternoon of July 10, the water level at Xiaguan Station of the Yangtze River was 9.77 meters, and the warning level exceeded 1.07 meters. The reporter saw on the banks of the Nanjing section of the Yangtze River that the viewing platform and rest seats had been immersed in the river and "disappeared", the water level reached the trees "waist waist deep", and the staff discharged the wate...

  On the afternoon of July 10, the water level at Xiaguan Station of the Yangtze River was 9.77 meters, and the warning level exceeded 1.07 meters. The reporter saw on the banks of the Nanjing section of the Yangtze River that the viewing platform and rest seats had been immersed in the river and "disappeared", the water level reached the trees "waist waist deep", and the staff discharged the water overflowing the gate of the Nanjing section of the Yangtze River, and Pile up sacks and gravel.

  According to the "Nanjing City Flood Control Emergency Plan", the Nanjing City Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters decided to start the city's flood control level II emergency response (orange) from 15:00 on July 10. (Reporter Zhu Xiaoying Zhang Chuanming reports from Nanjing, Jiangsu)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]

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