Teller Report

We summarize the first major interview with Jean Castex Prime Minister

7/3/2020, 8:18:10 PM

On TF1, he announced that he wanted to "open consultations" and will set his course "in the middle of next week"

Jean Castex on TF1 on July 3, 2020. - Screenshot

It was his first major media appearance since his appointment. The new Prime Minister Jean Castex said this Friday at 8:00 pm of TF1 wanting to "open consultations" in order to develop "a new social pact", thus drawing up a method that he will specify during his expected general policy statement "in the middle next week. "

Jean Castex, appointed a few hours earlier to replace Edouard Philippe, said he wanted "to go quickly to appoint the government as quickly as possible". Asked if it could be before Monday, he replied: "We will do everything for."

Concert to "associate as much as possible with the search for solutions"

"Before giving the solutions, I wish to open consultations, which we discuss with the Nation, with the social partners, in the territories, with all the actors to associate as much as possible in the search for solutions", assured Jean Castex in his first interview after entering Matignon.

“Not everything can be decided from Paris. I believe in territories, I believe in trust and the values ​​of responsibility, ”he insisted.

A policy speech in the middle of next week

"I wish to deliver my general policy speech in the middle of next week, the objective is to be on the job as quickly as possible," he added, while the parliamentary proceedings are underway. suspended pending the new government.

Debates on the third crisis budget could not end Friday and Monday was to start in the Assembly the second reading of the bioethics bill, which opens the PMA to all women.

"Ecology is not an option"

Asked about his priorities, Jean Castex assured that "ecology is not an option", while the Greens accuse him of being "a man of the right, that we have never heard about ecology" .

"I believe that it has now entered everyone's mind, it transcends the political class," he said, while the last municipal elections were marked by a green breakthrough in major cities.

Economic sovereignty and a "more economical" France

Regarding the economic recovery plan, it “is being prepared” and will be “presented very quickly”. It will be based on "oriented choices that allow reconstruction, gaining economic sovereignty, having a more economical France from the point of view of respect for the environment," said Jean Castex.

Confident of having "felt a strong emotion" at the announcement of his appointment, Jean Castex observed that one could "not shirk when it comes to serving his country, especially in the current circumstances".

Asked about his values, Jean Castex presented himself as a "social Gaullist" and notably insisted on "secularism". "I cannot accept certain behaviors, certain deviances, certain withdrawals, certain communitarianisms", he argued. On his personality, he finally slipped: "I am not here to seek light, I am here to seek results. "


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  • Prime Minister
  • Reshuffle
  • Jean Castex
  • Government

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