Teller Report

Zakharova commented on Bloomberg's article on coronavirus in Russia

5/14/2020, 8:15:59 PM

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, in her Facebook drew attention to the Bloomberg publication, which casts doubt on the reliability of data on mortality from coronavirus in Russia.

The article was published under the headline "Experts Want to Know Why the Coronavirus Didn't Kill the Russians More."

It argues that Russia in the distribution of coronavirus "is second only to the United States," but "one question wonders the medical experts:" Why is it reporting such a small number of deaths? "

The article cites figures submitted by the authorities, which show that 2,221 people out of 242,271 identified cases where in Spain the death rate was about 27 thousand people died from COVID-19 in Russia.

“The fact that the start of the disinformation campaign against Russia in the context of the pandemic was given, everyone already understood. And today, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg clearly set its direction: “Russia and China, in the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, are spreading large amounts of misinformation, thus trying to change the world order,” Zakharova wrote on Facebook.

He also commented on a Bloomberg post.

“I’m not sure, by the way, that the“ world order ”, in which the Bloomberg agency publishes an article with the headline“ Experts want to know why the coronavirus did not kill more Russians, ”is all right,” she added.

Earlier, the Russian ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, sent the chief editor of The New York Times a letter demanding to refute the publication of the publication on mortality from coronavirus in Russia. 

NYT published an article in which, citing the Moscow government’s open data portal, it said that mortality in the city in April exceeded the average for the last five years by 1.7 thousand.

There were 642 counted deaths with COVID-19 in Moscow at the time of publication, after which the newspaper concluded that there was a “significant underestimation” of the statistics of deaths from coronavirus.

Moscow authorities noted that the data on the number of deaths in the city with coronavirus infection is checked before being released, they are reliable. 

As the head physician of the hospital in Moscow Kommunarka, Denis Protsenko, said the development of the coronavirus epidemic in Italy allowed Russia to prepare for the fight against COVID-19. 

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