Teller Report

The head of the Irkutsk region spoke about the progress of work in the region after the flood

7/20/2019, 2:41:14 PM

Irkutsk Region Governor Sergei Levchenko, on his Instagram page, spoke about the progress of the restoration work in the region after the flood.

According to him, by now most of the flooded sections of roads and destroyed bridges have been restored.

"Restored electricity and water ... 99% of payments to victims received their payments," - said the press service of the governor.

It is noted that the regional authorities are doing everything possible so that the residents of the region can return to normal life as soon as possible.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who visited the Irkutsk Region, said that he could not say that the work of the local services for dealing with the consequences of floods in the region could be called satisfactory.

In addition, the leader called the confusion about the provision of assistance to residents of the area affected by the disaster.

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