Twitter God

Updated Sunday, April 7, 2024-01:22

"I've seen things you wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire beyond Orion's shoulder. I watched C-rays glow in the darkness near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain. Time to die."

These are the words spoken by that unforgettable replicant played by

Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner.

I personally believe that if he had waited longer, he would have seen much more incredible things. For example,

Pedro Sánchez dressed as CSI

and surrounded by bones and without any type of modesty in the Valley of the Fallen.

Or public television in 2024 interrupting its programming to show the

mayor's wedding

. Even an influencer in need of a house recording his septuagenarian neighbor, who was calmly masturbating in his house, and uploading it to social networks. That replicant would have also attended a live connection on another television with a person that the presenter assumed could not be her, but someone else. He would also have seen a former president of the Spanish Football Federation asking to be

injected with truth serum

to prove that he has not gone whoring.

I know, there are too many things and each one more bizarre. Look at the tweets below and you'll know what the hell I'm telling you. Because it is unspeakable.