Former reporter of <Anchor> Channel A, Lee Dong-jae, was arrested yesterday (17th). The incident was at the center of the conflict between Secretary-General Chu Mi-ae and President Seok-Yeol Yoon, so there is no way to do it.

Reporter Won Jong-jin, I wonder if Secretary-General Chu Mi-ae is smiling, but I think the investigation team will be empowered again. How will the prosecution report it?


Yes, yesterday, the reason for the arrest warrant is that there are'reasonable materials' suspected of exposing reporters Lee Dong-jae to a high-ranking prosecutor's office and attempting to threaten the victim.

The investigation has gained momentum as the court mentioned suspicion of a connection between former reporter and prosecutor Yoon Seok-yeol, prosecutor Han Dong-hoon.

A prosecutor has dismissed the allegations, claiming that the case was a duke manipulated by some political and media outlets, and the investigative team is likely to demand a prosecutor's attendance while further investigating the former arrested reporter.

On the 24th, the prosecution's investigation committee will be held to check the validity of the investigation and prosecution, and as the former reporter is arrested, it is expected that the investigation committee's conclusion will be advantageous to the investigation team.

It is analyzed that the leadership of Yoon Seok-Yeol, who had a conflict with the investigation team and the secretary of the investigation team, demanded to convene a professional investigation advisory group in this case.


By the way, some of the reasons the judge wrote down are said to be against the other side.


Yes, yesterday, a warrant officer for the warrant, Kim Dong-hyun, details the reason for the warrant, saying, "In order to restore the trust of the press and the prosecution, an arrest investigation is inevitable."

It has been evaluated that it is unusual, unlike the normal case, which briefly explains the reason for issuing a warrant, such as the destruction of evidence and fear of escape.

Prof. Joong-Jin Jin, a former professor at Dongyang University, said that it was obviously political that the warrant's reference to the press and the prosecution general, not the individual acts of the former reporter and a former prosecutor, was apparently political.

The Channel A Press Association also criticized the judge's remarks, which seemed to be a pretext for adhering to prosecution, as saying that he had made political considerations for himself.

(On-site progress: compilation type, video editing: Jang Hyun-ki)