A 9-year-old elementary school student who was trapped in his travel bag for 7 hours by his stepmother died.

According to the Chungnam Provincial Police Agency on the 4th, group A(9), who was being treated at a hospital in Cheonan, died about 6:30 pm the previous day.

It has been three days since the 119 paramedics sent to the hospital after receiving a report.

The cause of death is cardiopulmonary arrest due to multiple organ failure.

Group A was found dead at 7:25 pm on the 1st in a 44 cm wide and 60 cm long suitcase at his home in Seobuk-gu, Cheonan.

Even after being transported to the hospital, I was unable to recover my consciousness.

Police investigation revealed that stepmother B (43) had been carrying troops in bag A for more than seven hours.

I left the group A in my bag for about 3 hours.

Mr. B was arrested on the previous day for violating the Special Act on the Punishment of Child Abuse Crimes (Child Abuse Punishment Act).

The police plan to ask the National Institute of Scientific Investigation to autopsy the body of the A Army and reveal the exact cause of death.