"Five a day" is the common recommendation for fruits and vegetables. A car driver in Hofgeismar in northern Hesse apparently transferred this principle to fines and was flashed five times within a few hours - from one and the same device. "Half a dozen then did his wife," reported Tobias Böker of the Hofgeismarer Ordnungsamt.

Such a Temposünder series he has not experienced. The man was therefore already caught on 11 February in a zone in which Tempo 50 applies. Time recorded the mobile speed camera system 6 km / h too much, sometimes up to 13 km / h exceeded, as the "Hesse / Lower Saxony General" reported:

  • 9:56: 13 km / h too fast, 25 euros Verwarngeld
  • 14:13: 8 km / h too fast, 15 euros
  • 15:14: 13 km / h too fast, 25 euros
  • 15:36: 7 km / h too fast, 15 euros
  • 16:22: 12 km / h too fast, 25 euros
  • 16:29: 6 km / h too fast, 15 euros

The driver and his wife thus fluttered a total of six Verwamgeldbescheide 15-25 euros in the house. The man had then appeared in person, according to the Ordnungsamt. He admitted to the tempo sins, but complained about the single bill - and wondered about the location of the speed control: on the spot there was never before. Why the man got so often in the radar trap, remained unclear.