Prosecutors are expected to report on the interim investigation of Kim Il Sung's allegations of sex crime charges and the list of intestinal natural products at a meeting of the past history committee tomorrow (June 25).

The investigation team is likely to emphasize the need for re-enactment of various suspicions surrounding former vice minister Kim at a meeting tomorrow, a researcher said.

In particular, it is reported that between the two contractors, Yoon Chun-cheon and Kim, who were not properly investigated, will also consider asking for a reissue immediately on suspicion of bribery.

The investigation team has reportedly found Kim's suspicions about bribing Kim in the investigation against Yun.

Former Vice Minister Kim refused to attend the summons investigation request of the investigation team on the 15th.

Kim also said he is planning to leave Thailand for a visit to Bangkok on October 22, and the investigation team's investigation was suspended due to a request to ban emergency departure.