Sweden's food stock is very limited today, and so is Västerås. But in the future, the municipality will be able to provide some special priority groups from its own warehouses.

- We have identified in our plan that we cannot serve food to the entire population of Västerås, but we have been limited, says Johan Ahlström, risk engineer at the city of Västerås.

Those who will be provided with food from the crisis stores are, for example, persons in various forms of care and care and individuals as well as families with livelihood support. Crisis stocks will last for seven days, in addition to already ordinary stocks.

What does today's food store look like in the municipality?

- The existing stock can vary quite a bit. On a delivery day there may be a warehouse that lasts up to a week, but if it is just before delivery it may only take one to two days, says Johan Alhström.

How will the rest manage their food supply during a crisis?

- I think you should make sure you have a warehouse to last a longer time. A recommendation can be one week. But if you are more vulnerable from different aspects, it may be good to have a stock that goes longer than that.

In the clip, Johan Ahlström tells more about the preparedness of Västerås city.