Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner (CDU) wants to halve food waste in Germany by 2030. In addition to the food that is already thrown away on the way to the supermarket, consumers also have a responsibility. An overview.

What is the problem?

In private households, according to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, 55 kilograms of food per year go to waste. Half of this is therefore avoidable. Fruits and vegetables make up about one third of avoidable waste. This is followed by cooked, bread and baked goods, drinks, dairy products, finished products and fish and meat.

In the process, valuable resources are consumed for the production of these foods. According to the ministry, about 15,420 liters of water are needed for one kilogram of beef and 13.3 kilograms of CO2 are also produced. For one kilogram of apples it is still 820 liters of water and 550 grams of CO2.

How can citizens avoid food waste while shopping?

The Ministry of Agriculture gives the following tips: A purchase should be planned, it can help a shopping list. In the supermarket, consumers should take their time and not "hungry" shopping. Otherwise, the risk of spontaneous purchases is great, which are then not eaten. You should think about how much yoghurt they will really consume, and in case of doubt prefer to resort to the smaller package.

How are foods stored correctly?

Fruits and vegetables are in the fridge at the bottom of the vegetable compartment, fish and meat on the bottom shelf, dairy products in the middle, cheese and leftovers at the top. Eggs, butter and drinks have their place in the door. Everything should be well packed except for fruits and vegetables.

Not included in the fridge : bread, edible oils, potatoes, eggplant, avocados, tomatoes and most tropical fruits.

Potatoes and onions need a dry, dark place. Bread stays fresh longer in a bread box or a stoneware pot. Buy cheese at best and smash it into a coated paper. Apples and tomatoes emit ethylene gas, which ripens other fruits and vegetables faster, so they should be stored separately. Open opened packages - such as flour, rice or nuts - in tightly closed containers. Transfer opened preserves and consume quickly.

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What to do with mold?

According to the Federal Center for Nutrition, caution is advised when it comes to mold formation: with bread, yoghurt, jam and cheese (soft and hard cheese), the whole pack should be thrown away immediately because the mold may have spread.

For nuts, citrus fruits, berries, vegetables with a high water content such as tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, cucumbers or zucchini as well as root vegetables such as carrots, at least the infested fruits should be disposed of completely.

What is the difference between the best before date and the consumption date?

Foods are still edible after proper storage, even after the expiration date. If pre-packaged foods have the phrase "best before", they retain their product characteristics by that date, ie taste, smell or nutritional value - provided that they are in their original packaging and stored correctly.

Even then they are usually still enjoyable for a while. The principle applies: first look, then smell, then taste. Everything works normally, the pleasure is usually nothing contrary.

Products with a use-by date are in the waste after its expiration. For foods that are very easily perishable, the note "to be used up" must be given, followed by a description of the storage conditions. Easily perishable foods include chopped raw meat, poultry and pre-sliced ​​salads.