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Cell phone photo of a cat: In Worcester, a photo like this can potentially save you money

Photo: beavera / Getty Images

"We want you to come back to the library": With this goal, the Worcester Public Library has declared March "Cat Month" - and thereby generated media coverage that extends far beyond its US state of Massachusetts, for example to the “New York Times”.

The library's various cat events, such as a screening of the film "Cats" and a "Hello Kitty" party, are less likely to make headlines.

What is causing a stir is a regulation that applies this month to waive fines for lost or broken loans.

It says: Anyone who presents a picture of a cat will have their debts forgiven.

In order for the fines to be considered forgotten, the Worcester Public Library specifically requires you to show "a picture of your cat, a famous cat, or a picture you have painted of a cat," although this rule is further relaxed on the website: There is then even “a cat from the animal shelter” okay or “any cat”.

At the very end of the announcement it even says that even pictures and drawings of other animals would be accepted, from dogs to capybaras.

If you want, you can display your picture publicly or send it to the library by email.

Regarding the loss or damage of borrowed books and items, the Worcester Public Library writes: "We know that accidents can happen, and sometimes the fees keep you from taking full advantage of your public library."

A picture of a cat doesn't solve every problem

As nice as the regulation sounds, the library also emphasizes in its explanation that it is not a complete free ticket.

The waiver of the fines is a goodwill decision by the employees, it is said.

According to the website, books and items that have been missing for less than two months are also explicitly excluded from the offer.

And anyone who has borrowed something from the so-called Library of Things, such as a telescope or a karaoke machine, must still expect the library to charge them for the costs of purchasing a replacement device.

Cat pictures don't solve too expensive problems after all.

According to US media, around 400 people have already taken part in the library's campaign.
