A man in his 20s has been fined for stalking his ex-girlfriend on her way to and from work and riding the subway with her. 

Today (10th), Judge Kim Dae-hyun, the 4th Criminal Division of the Daegu District Court, sentenced Mr. A (21), who was charged with violating the Act on the Punishment of Stalking Crimes (Stalking Punishment Act), to a fine of 3 million won. 

He also ordered a 40-hour stalking treatment program.

When Mr. A was notified of the breakup from Mr. B in April of last year, he is accused of repeating the act of stalking, such as waiting on the way to and from work, following him, and then boarding a subway-like compartment and asking for a meeting. 

In addition, Mr. A went to Mr. B's house with a garbage bag even after receiving a decision from the court for provisional measures, such as a ban on approaching within 100 m.

Afterwards, Mr. A was tried for violating the Stalking Punishment Act. 

The judge said, "Mr. A grew up as a Jehovah's Witness, but was expelled from the church due to his association with Mr. B, a non-believer, and was cut off from the group he belonged to, such as his family." The reason for the sentencing was revealed, saying, "There are some circumstances to take into consideration, and the fact that he shows a will not to commit the crime again." 

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On the other hand, according to the Stalking Punishment Act, all 'acts that cause anxiety by approaching the other person against their will without a justifiable reason' are considered stalking.

(Article 2, Item 1) 

This includes not only approaching the victim directly, but also watching near the house, sending messages, and placing letters or other objects near the house. 

If this stalking act is done 'continuously and repeatedly', it is subject to punishment, and can be punished by imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of up to 30 million won.

(Article 18 Paragraph 1)

In addition, 'provisional measures' such as a written warning to stop stalking (No. 1), a ban on approach within 100m (No. 2), and a ban on access using telecommunications (No. 3) will be given to the perpetrator. However, if you violate subparagraphs 2 and 3, you can be punished by imprisonment for up to two years or a fine of up to 20 million won.

(Article 20)