It is said that a professor at a university canceled class because of the death of his pet dog.

It is more controversial because it did not acknowledge the attendance of a student's grandparents earlier.

This is a story recently posted on a free bulletin board of an online community for college students.

Student A, who posted a post, asked the professor to acknowledge her attendance because her grandfather's funeral made it difficult for her class to attend, but was refused.

As a result of inquiries to the department office, the answer was "professor's discretion", but the situation became a problem after that.

It is said that the professor announced that he would be closed one day to protect his dog's death.

It is said that the grandfather of the student taking the class is not recognized as attending, but the professor himself has canceled the class because of his dog's death.

Students commented on this post, saying, "Formally protest to the school" and "It makes no sense."

(Source: Everytime)