The National Coalition for the Elimination of Discrimination against the Disabled (Jeon Jang-yeon) accepted the proposal of Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, who proposed a cease-fire to stop the protests getting on and off the subway.

Today (20th), Mayor Oh posted on his Facebook account, "Jeonjangyeon Subway Riding Demonstration, Proposes a Ceasefire."

In the above article, Mayor Oh said, "At this point, the voice that needs to be listened to the most is the voice of good citizens, saying, 'Don't pass the damage on to innocent neighbors.'"

He added, "Jeon Jang-yeon has been insisting on 'increasing the budget for the rights of the disabled'" and "please stop the protest until the National Assembly's budget bill is passed."

Mayor Oh's post also included remarks aimed at resolving the conflict, saying, "The reason the processing of the national budget bill for next year is being delayed is not because I hate Jeon Yeon-yeon, but because the opposition parties are confronting each other due to various political events."

Jeon Jeon said, "I actively accept" Mayor Oh's proposal and "accept it as responsible communication."

In addition, he urged the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to abide by the 'guidelines for deinstitutionalization, including emergencies,' and at the same time, explained that he hoped that the 'Seoul Metropolitan City Ordinance on the Deinstitutionalization of Persons with Disabilities and Support for Community Settlement' would proceed in a substantial manner. I did.

As Jeon Jeon accepted Mayor Oh's proposal, the subway getting on and off protest and propaganda that were scheduled to be held at Oido Station tomorrow will be suspended.