A high school physics teacher in Gwangju is in trouble by copying certain textbook questions and presenting them as midterm and final exam questions, causing the students to retake the exam.

Today (16th), according to the Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education, a high school in Buk-gu, Gwangju took a second grade paper-and-pencil evaluation (final exam) physics subject retest on the 14th.

Also, on the 21st, the first paper-and-pencil evaluation (midterm exam) must also be retaken.

The reason why students are retesting one after another is because it has been confirmed that the teacher in charge of physics copied commercial workbooks and set them as test questions.

As a result of the school's investigation, it was found that 15 out of 20 questions in the midterm exam in the second semester and all 25 questions in the final exam were the same as the EBS special lecture textbook questions.

Immediately after the final exam, some parents filed a complaint, and as a result of the school's confirmation, it was confirmed that the problem book was copied for the midterm exam as well as the final exam.

In particular, it is pointed out that there is an urgent need to prepare countermeasures as the controversy related to the test papers in Gwangju this year is already the third.

In July, students at a high school hacked a teacher's laptop computer and leaked questions, and in October, a teacher at another high school copied questions from the question bank site as they were, causing controversy.

An official from the Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education said, "It has been confirmed that the test was retaken in response to complaints from parents."

(Photo = Provided by the Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education, Yonhap News)