
As you have seen, it is estimated that as many as 2 million people are suffering from rare genetic diseases.

However, accurate early diagnosis is difficult in Korea.

This is because there is no national management system, and Jo Dong-chan, a medical journalist, continues.


Taein couldn't walk even though he was over four years old.

[Choi Eun-hyang/Mother: I think I really used all the methods.

I thought it might be autism, so I tried treatment like ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis), water rehabilitation, and herbal medicine.


The cost of rehabilitation treatment alone was 3 million won a month, but the effect was insignificant.

[Choi Eun-hyang/Mother: If there is something that gets better, I do it.

I do it no matter how hard it is.

But I think it was difficult because this doesn't seem possible.]

For two years, I went to various university hospitals to take brain MRIs and even received genetic tests, but I couldn't find the cause.

[Lee Beom-hee/Professor of Pediatrics and Adolescents at Asan Medical Center in Seoul: The doctor just thought about it, so I think this is it.

Then we tested just one gene for the disease.

Then if that doesn't come out, then the next one.

next one...


Taein has been running around since last October.

Last September, she participated in a national genetic clinical trial that tested 3 billion pairs of genes at once, because it was found that 'creatine deficiency' was caused by a specific genetic mutation.

[Lee Beom-hee/Professor of Pediatrics and Adolescents at Seoul Asan Medical Center: We feed creatine separately in high doses, so what is lacking is now supplemented, so brain function improves and muscle strength improves.

] It is estimated that there are 8,000 rare diseases and 2 million people in Korea suffer from them.

The National Institute of Health is conducting genetic disease research by establishing a genetic biobank of 430,000 Koreans.

[Cho Sang-yeon/Researcher, National Human Resources Bank: It can be used for many studies based on such genes, such as cancer or rare diseases.]

However, it is not directly used for diagnosing patients with actual genetic diseases.

This is because there is no national diagnostic system that tests all patients suspected of having a genetic disease.

Since 2018, the UK has introduced a national genetic diagnosis system to diagnose rare diseases early, and a separate national fund has been established to administer expensive rare disease treatment drugs at the right time.

(Video coverage: Kim Gyun-jong, Video editing: Park Ji-in, VJ: Shin So-young · Oh Se-gwan)

▶ I didn't know the name of the disease, so I even did brain surgery...

A rare disease difficult to diagnose