Frenchman Alain Aspect, Nobel Prize in Physics 2022, said on Wednesday he was "appalled" by these "great scientists" who "all of a sudden" lapse into conspiracy and question science, evoking in particular "Professor of Marseille", namely Didier Raoult.

"I don't understand psychologically what's going on," he said on France Inter about the rise of conspiracy theses and the questioning of science.

“Science is the solution”

“Science is not the enemy of current problems, such as global warming.

Science is the solution,” added the physicist, crowned on Tuesday with the most prestigious scientific award along with the American John Clauser and the Austrian Anton Zeilinger for their discoveries on “quantum entanglement”, a phenomenon where two particles are perfectly correlated, regardless of the distance between them.

And to send to the address of young people and students: “Get started in science with the objective of solving these problems which interest you.

He also elaborated on his statements the day before to the Nobel Foundation, delivered shortly after the announcement of the prize, in which he called on the international scientific community to remain united in the face of the rise of "nationalism" in the world.

“Shrinking Democracies”

"I made this answer in English to the journalist who called me from the Nobel committee, with a line that was not clear," he explained on France Inter.

"Thinking about it, what I had in mind" was to evoke "democracies that are shrinking".

"I am part of a generation that has had the good fortune to see the rise of democracy in Russia and China," he said.

“It was a joy when we went there to see how our colleagues breathed.

Today, it is limited and I hope despite everything that we will manage to keep good contact with our colleagues.



Nobel Prize in Physics: Frenchman Alain Aspect among the trio of laureates


The Nobel Prize in Medicine has been awarded to Swedish paleogeneticist Svante Pääbo

  • Science

  • Scientists

  • Conspiracy theory

  • Didier Raoult

  • nobel

  • Physical