
We told you recently that a 20-something in the detention center was assaulted by fellow inmates and suffered brain death.

As a result of the prosecution's investigation, it was revealed that the victim suffered assault and harassment in the detention center for nearly a month.

Reporter Ahn Hee-jae covered the contents of the prosecution's indictment.


On the morning of May 21st, inmate A, who was beaten by two fellow inmates at the detention center, has not regained consciousness for over two months.

[Detention center official (call with the inmate's family on the day of the accident): They said he collapsed after seeing chores in the bathroom.]

The crimes of the perpetrators were specifically revealed in the prosecution investigation.

The assault continued from the afternoon before the collapse.

I hit Mr. A's neck several times saying he didn't listen, and assaulted him again because he couldn't hear Mr. A's voice.

He forced me to drink more than 2 liters of water saying that I need to heal my throat, but when my voice did not recover even during the check-up the next morning, I assaulted him again, saying, "What should I do if I openly pretend to be sick in front of the detention center staff?"

He said "I'm acting" and dragged him to the bathroom, and Mr. A ran out and collapsed and fell into a coma.

In April, the perpetrators persistently harassed Mr. A, who moved to another room after being hit by other inmates.

Mr. A was responsible for running errands for laundry and massaging his shoulders, and he also committed harsh acts such as the so-called Wonsan bombing.

The harassment continued for over 20 days after moving rooms, but the detention center did not notice at all.

The correctional authorities recently imposed light disciplinary action on some of the related staff for negligence in supervision.

[Mr. A/Inmate's father: It's really terrible when you think of how he was treated so cruelly without even being treated like a human being...

What would you do if you keep saying that you need to improve?]

The first trial of the perpetrators charged with serious injury and coercion will be held on the 19th of next month.

(Video coverage: Park Hyun-chul, video editing: Kim Jun-hee)



Reporter Ahn Hee-jae's studio is here.

Q. Inmates' assault 'repeated'

[Reporter Ahn Hee-jae: Yes.

A week before he collapsed, an inmate who was beaten by a colleague at the Suwon Detention Center died within a month, and three days ago at the Wonju Prison, he was also beaten by an inmate in the same room in broad daylight and transferred to the hospital, but there was a case of death.

According to statistics for the last 10 years, assault between inmates accounts for more than half of all crimes in correctional facilities.

Compared to 2012, the number of cases nearly doubled to about 600 last year, but this year, the number already exceeded 460 in May.

In a situation where it is difficult to report damage even if it is damaged, and in a situation where overcrowding is common and external contact is blocked for a long time due to COVID-19, it is diagnosed that there is an effect of growing dissatisfaction.]

Q. What is the fundamental solution...

[Reporter Ahn Hee-jae: Minister Han Dong-hoon found a correctional facility as his first step after taking office and emphasized that the perpetrators will be severely punished while referring to the severity of the inmate's assault.

Strict punishment for perpetrators is of course important, but it is pointed out that a system that selects and segregates inmates who are vulnerable to assault should be activated.

Even in the case of the Incheon Detention Center, the prosecution's judgment is that the perpetrators began to harass after seeing Mr. A's immature words and actions.

It is also necessary to point out the responsibility of the detention center.

In April, the Human Rights Commission also pointed out the duty and responsibility of the prison guards, even though it is difficult to predict the violence between inmates in advance. ]

(Video coverage: Park Hyeon-cheol, Video editing: Kim Jun-hee)

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