The new data became available in honor of the 115th anniversary of Sudoplatov's birth.

It is noted that Konovalets and the OUN *, who had collaborated with the Nazi secret services since 1933, with the support of the Germans, began to pursue a policy of open terror against Soviet diplomats and, in particular, killed the USSR Consul Andrei Maylov.

After that, it was decided to develop measures to curb the terrorist actions of the nationalists.

Sudoplatov, under the guise of a member of the Ukrainian anti-Soviet underground, infiltrated the ranks of pro-fascist nationalists in 1935 and met Konovalets thanks to a man from his inner circle. 

For several years he was near Konovalets, and in 1938 it was decided to liquidate the head of the OUN with a box of sweets that he loved.

A special bomb, designed to be safe when held vertically, but to work some time after being brought to a horizontal position, was handed to an active Nazi collaborator in Rotterdam on May 23, 1938. 

After the presentation of sweets, Sudoplatov went to the store, where he bought a raincoat and a hat, and when he came out of it he heard a pop.

After that, he went to the station and took the train through a change in Paris to Barcelona.

The Soviet agent learned about the death of the Ukrainian Nazi from newspapers that he read along the way.

The media put forward different versions of the murder of Konovalets.

A wide range of individuals and organizations were accused of his death: Bolsheviks, Gestapo agents, rivals in the OUN, Polish special services.

The result of that operation was the division of the OUN into two factions, which began to quarrel with each other.

In May, it was reported that in Melitopol one of the streets was renamed in honor of the Soviet intelligence officer Pavel Sudoplatov, earlier this street was named after the ideologue of Ukrainian nationalism Dmitry Dontsov.

Read more about the liquidation of Konovalets and the personality of Sudoplatov in the material RT.

* Organization of Ukrainian nationalists - "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (OUN-UPA) - a Ukrainian organization recognized as extremist and banned in Russia (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 11/17/2014).