
You probably remember the incident where a three-year-old child was found dead in a villa in Gumi, Gyeongbuk.

The investigation revealed that a woman in her 50s, who she thought was her maternal grandmother, was her biological mother, and was sentenced to eight years in prison in the first and second counts for changing her child.

However, the Supreme Court returned the case, saying the evidence was insufficient.

Reporter Park Chan-geun will tell you the details.


A 3-year-old Ms. A was found in the villa several months after she died.

During the investigation into the abuse allegation of Mr. Kim in his 20s, known as her first mother, it was revealed that Miss A's real mother was not Mr. Kim, but Mrs. Kim's mother, Mr. Seok.

Although Mr. Seok denied it,

[Mr. Seok/Written Substantial Examination on March 11 of last year: ((The child who died) is his child?) No.

(Then where is the daughter she gave birth to?) No.

I have never had a daughter.]

The police and prosecutors concluded that between March 31 and April 1, 2018, Ms. Seok swapped sheep A, which she gave birth to, and sheep B, which was born to her daughter, in the obstetrics and gynecology department of her mother and daughter. was brought to trial.

The first and second trial courts recognized the results of the investigation and sentenced Seok to eight years in prison, but the Supreme Court returned the case to the Daegu District Court to break the original court and try again.

It is true that Mr. Seok is the mother of the deceased mother, but the reason was that there was insufficient evidence to prove the replacement.

It was explained that there was no direct evidence such as eyewitness statements or CCTV, the baby lost 250 grams in one day, and the identification band on the baby's ankle was removed as evidence.

We also felt that it was necessary to further confirm that the shape of the baby's specific ear was the same as in the picture until discharged.

The life and whereabouts of the real granddaughter B, who was exchanged for Mr. Seok's daughter, Miss A, is also unclear.

Far from being confirmed by the trial, the case is more of a labyrinth.

(Video editing: Jinhwa Choi)