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An accident occurred when a woman in her 50s set fire to her daughter's birthday table and burned the hallway of her house and apartment.

Five residents of the apartment were injured in the accident and her daughter died.

According to the legal community on the 22nd, the Daegu District Court Detective 3 (Chief Judge Jina Kim) sentenced A (54), who was charged with negligent manslaughter, to a fine of 5 million won and a year of probation.

On November 7, 2020, at around 1:40 a.m. for her daughter's birthday, Mr. A fell asleep while making steamed beef ribs in her house and neglected to manage the gas stove, causing a fire.

Immediately after the fire, the apartment fire alarm worked, but security guard B (63) decided that the alarm was malfunctioning and forcibly shut it off.

Guard B blocked the alarm for about 7 minutes, which delayed the escape of Mr. A's daughter, including residents.

The fire that engulfed Mr. A's house, apartment hallway, and public elevator was extinguished later, but five residents were injured, such as drinking smoke, and were transported to the hospital for treatment.

A's daughter, who celebrated her 25th birthday, was also taken to the hospital, but eventually died.

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To Mr. A, who stood in the courtroom, the court said, "The fact that the victim has to suffer excruciating pain for the death of her daughter due to her own mistake, the victims do not want to be punished, that adequate damage compensation was provided through fire insurance, and that the fire alarm If it worked properly, we decided the sentence for Mr.

In addition, the court sentenced guard B, who was charged with obstructing the evacuation of residents by forcibly shutting off the alarm, thinking that the fire alarm was malfunctioning, sentenced to one year and six months in prison, three years of probation, and ordered 80 hours of community service.

The court said, "The guilt is heavy for not avoiding the dire consequences (guard B's) due to work negligence, but the victims' families have expressed their forgiveness, the residents do not want punishment, and the fact that they have faithfully performed their duties as security guards, etc. summed up,” he explained.

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