
Today (12th), the number of new corona cases is expected to increase from yesterday to 200,000.

As the weekend effect disappeared, the number of patients increased, but it is clear that they are on a downward trend.

However, as the number of elderly people aged 60 and over increases, the number of severe cases and deaths is slowly decreasing.

Reporter Park Soo-jin.


As of Monday, the number of confirmed cases was the lowest in eight weeks since 54,561 on February 14.

From today, when the holiday effect disappears, the number of confirmed cases may increase again, but the analysis of the quarantine authorities is that the scale is clearly decreasing.

The problem is the critically ill and the dead.

There are 1,99 patients with severe severe cases, and they have not come down from the 1,000 level for the 35th day, and the average daily death rate for the preceding week has also decreased since 359 on the 25th of last month, but it is still around 300.

The main reason is the increase in the number of high-risk groups, such as the elderly.

84% of severe cases and 94% of deaths are elderly people aged 60 or older.

The Presidential Transition Committee also called for special measures for high-risk groups.

[Chairman Ahn Cheol-soo/Acquisition Chairperson: Thorough preceding measures must be prioritized.

Special infection control measures for high-risk facilities and medical institutions, and measures to support the local community for those in need of care, such as the elderly living alone and the disabled (must be prepared)]

The government started discussing distance, including whether to remove masks, and even if the distance is lifted, vulnerable facilities such as nursing homes will maintain quarantine rules such as periodic preemptive inspections and limiting visits.

In addition, we plan to announce tomorrow whether the fourth vaccination, which is targeted to residents of nursing hospitals and immunocompromised persons, will be expanded to the general elderly.