The bell rings that ends classes in any school and begins the afternoon plan of many children: sandwich and play ball in the town square.

This image, less and less common, could have a

tragic ending

: that the ball sneaks into a building.

This is what has happened for decades on the roof of the church of Santo Tomás Apóstol, in the Italian city of Ascoli Piceno.


the 2016 earthquake,

the structure of the temple was damaged and restoration work has now begun.

When the workers went up to the roof, they found around forty balls from

different periods

that the players had lost.

The image of the balls in the town square has caused reactions on social networks, several of the neighbors have stated that "surely some of the balls were his."

According to Corriere della Sera, there was a

historical model

created for the 1978 World Cup in Argentina.

The mayor of Ascoli Piceno, Marco Fioravanti, has commented that several of the balls are current, this shows that "there are children who still play in the square today. Less than once, but they are there".

However, from the Italian newspaper, they maintain that there are people who attribute the failure of the "azzurra" team in qualifying for the World Cup to the fact that children no longer play in the squares and prefer to be at home watching television.

The inspection carried out in the church is part of the project launched by the municipality to revitalize the area after the August 2016 earthquake that affected central Italy.

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