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An observer who damaged a blind person's ballot paper with a ballpoint pen during the early voting for the 20th presidential election was charged with the prosecution. 

The Bupyeong-gu Election Commission of Incheon City announced today (30th) that it had filed a complaint with the prosecution against Mr.

Person A is accused of drawing an 'X' with a ballpoint pen on the ballot paper of Mr. B, who is visually impaired, who finished voting at the advance polling place in Samsan 2-dong, Bupyeong-gu, Incheon on the 4th.

Person A, who was an observer, was investigated as having acted like this, claiming that it was a proxy vote when Mr. B, with the help of his family, voted and came out.

However, according to the Public Official Election Act, an elector who cannot directly vote due to a visual impairment may vote with a family member or two persons nominated by him/her.

An official from the Bupyeong-gu Election Commission said, "Mr. A arbitrarily damaged Mr. B's ballot paper and interfered with the elector's fair voting behavior." "Severe punishment is necessary." 

Article 244 (1) of the Public Official Election Act stipulates that if a ballot paper is concealed, damaged, damaged, or stolen, it is punishable by imprisonment for not less than 1 year and not more than 10 years, or a fine of not less than 5 million won and not more than 30 million won.

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