
The biggest change is that from today (1st), you do not need to show the QR code when entering a restaurant or cafe.

Let's connect with reporters to find out what the first day the quarantine pass looks like.

Reporter Jeong Da-eun and store owners seem to have eased the burden, but please tell us the voice of the scene.


I am at a restaurant in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul.

Until yesterday (28th), there was a reader for QR code authentication at the entrance, but now they are all gone.

Also, the quarantine pass information has disappeared, and as you can see, QR codes are no longer generated in KakaoTalk or Naver apps.

The self-employed are welcoming, saying that they have saved the effort of checking each customer's vaccination certificate one by one.

[Lee Min-woo / Japanese restaurant management: It is most comfortable to have no quarrels with customers.

I didn't have to check every single one, so I got the vaccine...


The guests still looked around trying to scan the QR code, seemingly awkward.

[From today, the quarantine pass or QR is released, so you can just enter.]

Citizens' reactions were mixed.

[Lee Dong-hoon / Gangseo-gu, Seoul: I feel more comfortable.

Not only was it easy to enter, but the waiting time was gone, and there was a situation in which I had contact with a lot of people while waiting.]

[Park Chan-ho / Yangcheon-gu, Seoul: I'm worried.

Because the current corona or omicron virus is the most severe, and I feel like I do it when it's not bad and not when it's severe...


Self-employed people think that stopping the quarantine pass alone will not help much to increase the number of customers.

[Kim Ki-do/PC room operation: The inconvenience for customers has been resolved, but it is the same situation, difficult situation in a situation where gathering bans or business restrictions are maintained.]

As the demand for lifting or easing the distance grows, the quarantine authorities are trying to keep distance. He also said that he would collect opinions on whether there are any areas for easing.

(Video coverage: Oh Young-chun, Video editing: Lee So-young)