The People's Power launched an onslaught today (22nd) when the Democratic Party's presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung talked about Korea's 'possibility of becoming a key currency country' in a TV debate, saying, "I have no basic economic knowledge."

Kim Ki-hyeon, the floor leader, criticized on the radio, saying, "It's a very vain story," and "the evidence was too weak to forcefully excuse the fact that the issuance of government bonds itself was excessive."

Kim Jae-won, a member of the Supreme Council, also appeared on the radio and said, "I thought that economic knowledge is really not as good as that of Mr. Heo Kyung-young." I did.

Former lawmaker Yoon Hee-sook, a former economist, said on Facebook, "China is spreading astronomical money around the world, wielding influence, and exerting effort, but it is incorporated as a key currency." criticized.

He continued, "Even a smart high school student does not know the economic common sense, and a presidential candidate has been insisting on ruining the national finances."

The People's Power made three comments on the 'key currency country' only this morning.

In a commentary, Senior Spokesperson Huh Eun-ah said, "There are many people who feel ashamed of Lee's slogan of being a competent economic president. Monetary Fund) could even lead to a crisis.”

Heo Jeong-hwan, senior deputy spokesperson, emphasized, "The key currency is to be recognized because of the long-standing international economic order and the size of the country's economic power, not to be hoped for."

The public affairs department of the predecessor headquarters said, "I can't find any domestic and foreign media reports that Korea is close to a key currency country other than an interview with Konkuk University professor Choi Bae-geun who appeared on TBS' 'Kim Eo-jun's News Factory'." pointed out.

Regarding Candidate Lee's position that 'was based on the FKI report,' he refuted, saying, "The FKI's press release on the report is also far from Lee's claim."

Candidate Lee also started to reverse the suspicion that candidate Yoon was involved in the Daejang-dong incident by using the transcript of Kim Man-bae, the major shareholder of Hwacheon Daeyu, in yesterday's discussion.

Senior Spokesperson Lee Yang-soo said in a commentary, "The person who designed the Daejang-dong project, the person with the authority to appoint Yoo Dong-gyu, the head of the planning division of Seongnam Urban Development Corporation, and the final decision-maker are all the same person.

Senior Spokesperson Lee said, "Isn't the election going to be over if we report a 'card to kill Yun Seok-yeol' rather than report the transcript to Woo Sang-ho, general election director of the Democratic Party? No,” he emphasized.