“I heard (about this

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), but these coronaviruses are constantly being opened.

The most important thing is that they do not overcome the interspecies barrier, ”she said.

She noted that "it was, is and will be" and you just need to follow the appropriate measures when working with wild animals and "be on the lookout."

“Because such “sensations” will be, if not every month, then every year: a new respiratory virus appears - a coronavirus, an influenza virus or some other, animals are detected, and many of them have this pandemic potential,” Pshenichnaya said.

Earlier, Chinese biologists from Wuhan University announced the discovery of the NeoCoV bat coronavirus in the Republic of South Africa, which, according to them, could spread among humans.

The information contained in the preprint will have to be verified by experts.

The WHO said that the danger of this virus to humans has yet to be studied.