A cafe owner talked about the pain he had with people who went to the bathroom without ordering a drink.


The third search term for clicking is a cafe that has become a 'restroom restaurant'.

Mr. A, who runs a private cafe, made it possible for anyone to use the toilet even if he did not buy a drink at the beginning of the business.

They brought expensive air fresheners and detergents and cleaned them every day.

Then, more and more students began to flock to use the bathroom without purchasing a drink.

Some women just use the bathroom and leave at the same time every day.

One day, wanting to say no, I changed the bathroom password and changed the instructions so that only customers who purchased drinks could use it, the woman said with an absurd expression, "I feel bad. Do you let me use the bathroom even once?" and disappeared.

Mr. A was upset, saying, "It is wrong to have decided to be considerate.

Netizens who saw this responded, "There are too many people who just use the bathroom. I think I should try cleaning it myself!!", "If consideration continues, people who think it's a right make life harder and harder."