
The second search term of the click is 'a tow truck that has crossed the safety zone'.

A tow truck suddenly cuts into the side of Mr. A's car while he was on an outing with his family.

I crossed the safety zone and crossed the lane with the safety bar pierced.

Mr. A was surprised by the completely unexpected situation, but luckily, he showed his quickness and quickly broke the steering wheel and avoided a collision.

It was a dangerous situation that could have caused a major accident, but Mr. A shared this video with an online community and complained, 'I almost lost my life while driving because of the tow truck's threatening driving'.

But even more absurd was the attitude of the tow truck driver at the time.

When Mr. A lowered the window and asked, "What are you doing?", the tow truck driver left the scene as it was, "Didn't you say sorry?"

Netizens responded, "It's so dizzy just looking at the video. An outlaw was born on the road!!", "A tow truck that has to deal with an accident would rather cause an accident."

(Screen source: Baby Dream)