Oh, to find out today's (21st) interest and candid reaction through SNS!

Click time.

A large cafe is in violation of the government's stricter social distancing measures and declared "open 24 hours a day", which is controversial.


The first search term to be clicked is 'Cafe declared open 24 hours a day'.

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, a notice from a cafe was shared with the self-employed online community while the business hours of restaurants and cafes were limited to 9 pm from the 18th.

The notice said, "This store will be open for 24 hours from now on," and "We have decided to reject the government's quarantine guidelines."

He also added, "Even though the accumulated deficit over the past year has exceeded 1 billion won, we have not received any compensation for any losses."

Some self-employed people strongly criticized the government's measures to strengthen social distancing while cheering for the cafe's refusal to restrict business.

Conversely, there were opinions such as "I understand the unfortunate feeling, but the government guidelines must be followed" and "What about other cafes that strictly follow quarantine rules?"

In addition, netizens responded, "It's a billion dollar deficit… I can't count how upset I am.", "If it's a billion dollar deficit and it doesn't receive a single penny, then the government is doing something wrong!"

(Screen source: I am the boss because I am sick)