Snapchat will reward content creators with $250 million in 2020

Positivity is the most prominent characteristic of the Snap community.


Snapchat allows creators of all kinds to expand their follower base, build their businesses, and provide entertaining content to a community that today has more than 306 million users.

A year ago, Snap launched its Spotlight entertainment platform, with the aim of reducing barriers associated with creating content, and highlighting the most interesting and interesting snapshots and stories that were published on the Snapchat platform, regardless of who created them.

Over the past year, more than 12,000 content creators have earned a total of more than $250 million through Spotlight programs.

The platform is designed in a way that consolidates the company’s values, as all user accounts enjoy absolute privacy automatically, and other users who are not friends cannot view it, and all content submitted to the platform is subject to review before agreeing to publish it.

The move is aimed at ensuring Snap can reduce the risk of spreading misinformation, hate speech or other forms of harmful content.

Positivity is the most prominent feature of the Snap community and enhances its uniqueness.

The content published on a daily basis on Spotlight highlights their unique talents, passions and perspectives, and it was great to see the content created by users using the creative tools available.

Snap remains firmly committed to rewarding users of its platform for their outstanding creativity.