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A man in his 60s has been arrested by the police for stealing heaps of books using a suitcase from a large bookstore in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

This man was arrested last month for stealing books from another bookstore with the same method and was under investigation. 

The Jongno Police Station announced yesterday (25th) that they are investigating Kim Mo, in his 60s, on charges of theft. 

Kim is accused of trying to leave the store without checking out, putting about 10 books in a large wheeled travel bag at the main branch of Bookstore A located in Jongno-gu on the 17th. 

Kim was arrested by the police who arrived after receiving a report from a bookstore employee. 

During the police investigation, Kim is known to have denied the allegations, saying, "I had no intention of stealing the book. I left the card to pay for the book at home and put the book in my bag and read it." 

However, at the end of last month, it was confirmed that he was caught stealing about 20 books from the Yongsan branch of A bookstore with the same method. 

The Jongno Police Station applied for an arrest warrant on the 18th, considering the risk of recidivism, but the prosecution rejected it. 

The Yongsan Police Station will forward the case to the prosecution this week and the Jongno Police Station as soon as the investigation is complete. 

This is a 'news pick'. 

(Photo = Yonhap News)