<Anchor> The

investigation team on suspicion of preferential treatment in Daejang-dong caused a setback for a time when a confirmed case of Corona came out.

Reporter Won Jong-jin will explain this in detail.

<Reporter> The

Seoul Central Prosecutor's Office's investigation team in charge of allegations of Daejang-dong called and investigated Attorney Nam Wook from the detention center for two days in a row following yesterday (9th).

However, Kim Man-bae, who was arrested on the same day, refused to attend, citing personal reasons, and the investigation was not conducted today.

The investigation team has delayed and resumed the investigation, as a bunch of confirmed COVID-19 cases have been reported, but even that does not seem to be going smoothly.

Deputy Prosecutor Kim Tae-hoon, who is in charge of directing the investigation team, also took a leave of absence from that day until today.

The reason is that he had frequent contact with confirmed team members, the prosecution explained that although he was negative in the corona test, he did not go to work considering the incubation period.

However, rumors are coming out about the leave of the investigative commanding prosecutor.

There has been no investigation into the luxurious legal advisory group, including Rep. Kwak Sang-do, who was nominated for lobbying for “Hwacheon Dae-yu,” or former Supreme Court Justice Kwon Soon-il, who received a large amount of torture, and there was no investigation into the upper ranks of the Seongnam Urban Development Corporation or the members of the Seongnam City Council. This is because only media reports are plentiful about the lobbying allegations.

In the midst of this, Prosecutor General Oh-su Kim, who had a conflict with reporters in and out of the office, over how the Supreme Prosecutor's Office secured a public cell phone for the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, also took a leave of absence for the entire week starting today.

In a situation where the investigation process was not smooth and the bad news of the corona virus overlapped, there are voices of criticism as to whether it is the proper conduct as the Prosecutor General to leave even the person in charge of the investigation, or whether there is a will to investigate.

(Video editing: Kim Jong-tae)