Proton is proud to be celebrated in Switzerland as a provider of “highly secure” e-mail systems. Proton Mail is feared by autocratic regimes because of its strict data protection. The messages from customers are so protected that even Proton has no access to them. With Proton Mail, privacy is mathematically secured. All of this is absolute nonsense and self-promotion bordering on megalomania, which unfortunately many journalists have taken over. This week, Proton shared emails and other data from Youth for Climate youth, which is part of Fridays for Future, to Europol. Managing director Andy Yen had to confirm this on Twitter. If a request was sent to Switzerland via Europol from France, then it had to be complied with, it said succinctly.Proton dutifully issued all the information requested, including the IP addresses of the users concerned. Proton advertises that they do not store any IP addresses. But, the company now explains, this practice can be changed under certain circumstances. What cares yesterday's chatter.