
Ahead of last year's general election, the prosecution launched a fact-finding investigation into the allegation that an executive of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office sent a letter of complaint to an opposition member of the National Assembly candidate to accuse feminist politicians. Minister Park Bum-gye said that the honor of the entire prosecution was at stake and called for a prompt and thorough investigation.

Correspondent Ahn Hee-jae.


Before the general election in April last year, Minister of Justice Park Beom-gye repeatedly emphasized the need for a prompt investigation today (3rd) in relation to the allegations that a close aide to then-Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol had submitted an accusation against a feminist politician.

"It is a matter that is at stake for the honor of the entire prosecution," he said.

A civic group has announced that it will file a complaint against former President Yoon to the Airborne Service for abuse of power.

Earlier, the Internet media company News Bus reported that Prosecutor Son Jun-seong, a former Supreme Prosecutor's Office, delivered a document containing the names of feminist politicians to Rep. Kim Woong, a candidate for the National Assembly of the United Future Party.

The accusation was made by 11 people including Yoo Si-min, Chairman of the Roh Moo-hyung Foundation, Choi Kang-wook, Open Democratic Party candidate Hwang Hee-seok, and journalists. has reported.

It is said that the prosecutor's officer asked the opposition party to file a accusation against them, and he mentioned the possibility of a connection with the former president Yoon, especially given that this executive is the prosecutor's closest aide.

However, he added that it did not lead to an actual accusation.

Prosecutor Sohn, who was designated as the person who sent the document, denied the report, saying, "It's not true at all, I don't know anything about it, so there's nothing to explain." It doesn't work," he said.

As the incumbent prosecutor was mentioned, the prosecution immediately began an investigation under the direction of Prosecutor General Kim Oh-soo.